2 plates
85 grams of lamb's lettuce
125 grams of smoked bacon strips
2 eggs
1.5 tbsp pine nuts
1/2 cucumber
1 red bell pepper
2 tbsp grated young cheese
Boil the eggs until they're hard, let them cool down. Roast the pine nuts short in a dry pan. Bake the smoked bacon strips in a warm pan until they become a little bit crispy, let them cool down.
Peel half of the cucumber, so you get stripes of dark and light green. Cut it in half lengthwise and remove the seed list. cut in half lengthwise one more time and make cubes.
Wash and cut the bell pepper in large cubes. Wash the lamb's lettuce and dry it.
Mix the lamb's lettuce, bell pepper, and cucumber. Cut the eggs in 8 pieces and add them to the salad with the roasted pine nuts and cheese. at least add the smoked bacon with the oil, which has been released during baking, to the salad.
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